Council Post: 20 Strategies To Improve Cash Flow And Working Capital Management For Leaders (2024)

Effective cash flow and working capital management are critical for the financial health and sustainability of any business. As leaders, understanding how to optimize these areas can have a significant impact on the overall success and growth of the organization. By mastering these financial practices, leaders can navigate economic uncertainties, seize opportunities, and maintain a strong financial foundation for their organizations.

Below, 20 Forbes Finance Council members share valuable strategies leaders can employ to improve their cash flow and working capital management. These strategies can help leaders enhance liquidity, reduce costs and make informed decisions that drive long-term profitability.

1. Decrease Liabilities And Improve Assets

To improve cash flow, decrease your liabilities and improve your assets. Reducing the costs and expenses is a target even when your business is doing well. The key is to improve your cash flows. Check your liabilities and turn them into assets that generate cash flows. You can sell your unused lands or vehicles to generate short-term cash flows. Meanwhile make promotions on sales to add new short-term clients. - Burak Arkun, Tailwind Airlines

2. Conduct A Bottoms-Up Budget Review

I find that if you do a bottoms-up budget process with monthly forecast reviews, you can find out what expenses are not needed that can be immediately reduced by terminating vendor contracts that are no longer required. Also, these monthly meetings help determine which lower-priority projects can be delayed, leading to a slower ramp-up of vendor payments which generates in-year expense savings. - Nick McGuire, DataLink Software

3. Open More Payment Channels

Opening more payment channels and honoring buyer payment preferences is always a smart strategy to increase cash flow. Suppliers with an automated credit card acceptance strategy, for example, receive guaranteed funds while offering their buyers rebates and float. Overall, automated AR processes offer customers the digital payment channels they prefer, speeding cash flow and reducing payments lag. - Justin Main, Billtrust


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4. Automate Payments And Invoicing Systems

When a supplier isn’t paid on time, B2B companies shouldn't assume there is an issue with the payment but rather look earlier in the order-to-cash process. This helps uncover issues that stem from when the interaction with the buyer first began and an invoice was created, such as inputting the wrong price. Automated payments and invoicing systems can remove complexity and improve cash flow. - Brandon Spear, TreviPay

5. Leverage Refinancing Assets

Business leaders can increase their revenue while minimizing associated costs, maintaining comprehensive cash flow reports and adopting financial models and forecasting tools to predict future cash flows. I personally leverage refinancing assets to generate working capital for our business. A clear example will be selling a used company car to staff. It is simply a win-win for all parties involved. - Tosin Osunkoya, Comercio Partners Limited

6. Use Strategic Forecasting

Leaders can optimize cash flow and working capital management through strategic forecasting, efficient receivables and payables management, cost control and leveraging technology. By prioritizing these practices, they pave the path to financial stability and growth. - Michael Foguth, Foguth Financial Group

7. Streamline Inventory Management

Monitoring cash flow and working capital is critical to ensure optimal financial operations for an organization. There are myriad factors, but focusing on streamlining inventory management, optimizing capital expenditures and conducting regular financial analysis including better vendor management will be key. Leaders would need to tailor strategies as per the growth vision for the organization. - Parijat Banerjee, LatentView Analytics

8. Maintain An Updated Cash Flow Plan

I recommend business owners maintain an updated cash flow management plan. Scenario planning will help determine what is needed to move forward today and earmark where funds may be needed down the road. A clear financial forecast, combined with a trusted relationship with a business banker or financial advisor, will help owners make the right decision for their business. - Jenn Flynn, Small Business Bank at Capital One

9. Avoid Hiring Externally

Managing cash flow and capital effectively is key to financial health and is particularly important during this VC winter. Underrepresented founders, who always had to do more with less, are great examples of leaders looking for ways to improve cash flow. Prudent practices like doing things internally instead of hiring external experts and minimizing fixed costs can create significant savings. - Lise Birikundavyi, BKR Capital

10. Negotiate Payment Terms With Vendors

Developing projections for future cash flows and making informed decisions about investments and expenses based on this information is the most impactful cash flow management skill to develop. As a company, we emphasize negotiating payment terms with vendors to optimize cash flow. By carefully managing payment terms, we avoid cash shortages and take advantage of discounts for early payment. - Elie Nour, NOUR PRIVATE WEALTH

11. Work With An Accountant

The most important thing leaders can do is work with their accountants to understand the current situation (money in vs. money out) versus where they want to actually be. Once you have an understanding of that, you can then better pinpoint what changes need to be made in your decision-making to achieve your goal. If you want to make a decision, come back to the model and it shows you the effect. - Evan Jehle, FFO LLC

12. Understand Cash Required

Cash flow is quintessential to growth. Managing cash flow is best accomplished by understanding the cash required, net of any debt proceeds. Building cash metrics and continually reviewing performance creates synergies. It is possible to grow out of business. Establishing cash goals and tracking performance, while knowing the total cash needed, will help businesses chart course, or course correct. - Matthew Goldston, ABIP Advisors

13. Improve Customer Account Management

In today’s volatile market environment, leaders need to remain laser-focused on business relationships. Customer account management is crucial, and direct communications can avoid delayed payments. At the same time, working closely with key vendors and managing outgoing payments based on priority is a way to maintain cash flow steady. - Omar Choucair, Trintech

14. Proactively Manage Inventory

Executives can optimize working capital management by proactively managing inventory, negotiating payment terms and improving receivables. Effective communication with stakeholders, risk management and prudent financial planning can also ensure a sustainable cash flow position. Also, they should consider the ways in which technology may be able to aid in automation and cost reduction. - Jeffrey Bartel, Hamptons Group, LLC

15. Restructure Contingency Plans

Execute definitive plans with targeted metrics for each area of the business to maximize its operating performance. This should lead to greater balance sheet strength. Structure contingency plans so that variable expenses can be reduced quickly if the top line suffers. Structure action plans to grow expenses only if targeted top-line metrics are achieved and forecasted results are attainable. - David Samuels, DrFirst, Inc.

16. Speak With Your Vendors

Don’t be afraid to talk terms with your vendors. Ask if they can extend terms beyond their standards, like net 45 or net 60, or see if they are open to monthly or quarterly payments instead of upfront payments. You may have to trade off in price, but the trade-off may still be cheaper than other types of financing in the market. - Michelle DeBella, JumpCloud

17. Follow These Nine Steps

To improve cash flow and working capital management, leaders should: 1. Forecast cash flows accurately; 2. Streamline invoicing and payment processes; 3. Offer early payment incentives; 4. Optimize inventory levels; 5. Negotiate with suppliers; 6. Monitor customer credit; 7. Access short-term financing; 8. Review and reduce expenses and 9. Invest surplus cash in short-term, low-risk assets. - Pedro Langa, SPACE PERSPECTIVE

18. Make Overdrafts A Fallback Option

These can be managed through the proactive understanding of customers' buying and payment patterns, an automated credit control system finely woven with a superlative vendor relationship leverage. Having overdrafts as a fallback option may be cost-effective as they are based on utilization and can be used as a short-term measure to augment seasonal gaps in working capital and cash flow. - Oluwatoyin Aralepo, Mastercard Foundation

19. Embrace The 'Cash Flow Trifecta'

Leaders can optimize cash flow by embracing the "Cash Flow Trifecta": 1. Streamline receivables with efficient invoicing and proactive follow-ups; 2. Negotiate better payment terms with vendors and 3. Prune underperforming assets, redirecting resources to higher-return investments. This holistic approach ensures smooth, agile working capital management. - Luis Marinelli, Vana

20. Improve Budgeting And Forecasting

There are more tools than ever in the market to assist you with planning and businesses should begin to start using them to more effectively plan for their cash needs. Another important factor is determining any risk and keeping adequate cash reserves in the business or a captive insurance entity to make sure that the cash is available when it is needed. - Shlomo Halberstam, Bottom Line Concepts LLC

Council Post: 20 Strategies To Improve Cash Flow And Working Capital Management For Leaders (2024)


In what ways can a company improve its working capital flow? ›

10 Ways to Improve Working Capital
  • Send Invoices Quicker. ...
  • Collect Invoice Payments on Time. ...
  • Shorten Invoice Payment Terms. ...
  • Offer Early Payment Discounts and Late Payment Fees. ...
  • Improve Inventory Management Practices. ...
  • Use Invoice Factoring. ...
  • Lease Equipment. ...
  • Use Trade Credit Insurance.

What are the two strategies that can be used to improve working capital? ›

Options to reduce bad debt and free up working capital can include selling more higher-margin products or increasing margins across your offerings. Tightening up credit management processes and collecting payments faster is also effective.

How can a company optimize its cash management for working capital efficiency? ›

Here are seven ways to improve working capital management:
  1. Monitor your working capital ratio. ...
  2. Optimize invoice issuance process. ...
  3. Incentivize receivables. ...
  4. Automate business processes. ...
  5. Improve inventory management. ...
  6. Leverage supply chain financing. ...
  7. Utilize tax incentives.

How will an organization can effectively manage their working capital and cash flows? ›

Working Capital Management Solutions and Software

By setting up automated tracking of your assets and liabilities, and effectively tracking invoices through CRM tools, you can have a clearer understanding of your overall financial picture so you can make better informed decisions regarding your working capital.

What are three methods to increase financial performance by understanding working capital? ›

There are several ways to increase working capital balance, including improving inventory management, negotiating better payment terms with suppliers, accelerating accounts receivable collections, increasing sales, reducing expenses, and obtaining additional financing.

How to increase operating cash flow? ›

6 Strategies for Accelerating Cash Flow in Your Business
  1. Reduce your spending. Decreasing your spending is one of the more obvious ways to increase your cash flow. ...
  2. Create additional revenue streams. ...
  3. Offer discounts for fast payments. ...
  4. Watch your inventory. ...
  5. Consider raising your prices. ...
  6. Offer prepayment rewards.

What are the three working capital strategies? ›

The 3 working capital strategies

These strategies determine how businesses manage their current assets and liabilities to maintain optimal levels of liquidity while maximizing profitability and mitigating risks. There are three major working capital strategies: aggressive, moderate or hedging, and conservative.

What are the three main working capital strategies differ primarily in? ›

Question: The three main working capital strategies, namely aggressive, conservative, and moderate, differ primarily in the:​ ​relative amounts of short-term debt used.

What are the two major components of a working capital management strategy? ›

Answer and Explanation: Effective current asset and liability management may help a firm retain enough liquidity, shorten its operating cycle, and lessen the risk of cash flow difficulties.

What is the working capital optimization strategy? ›

It involves identifying and implementing strategies to improve the efficiency of a company's operations, reduce costs, and increase revenue. The primary goal of working capital optimization is to free up cash within a company, which can be used to finance growth, reduce debt, or improve overall financial performance.

How does working capital management improve profitability? ›

Management of Working capital means the management of current assets and current liabilities. If these firms efficiently manage their cash, accounts receivables, accounts payables, and inventories, this will ultimately increase profitability of these companies.

What are the symptoms of poor working capital management? ›

Poor working capital management can lower profitability by increasing the cost of capital, reducing the return on assets, and wasting resources. For example, if a business has too much inventory, it incurs higher storage, maintenance, and obsolescence costs, and reduces its inventory turnover ratio.

How to improve management of working capital? ›

20 Strategies To Improve Cash Flow And Working Capital Management For Leaders
  1. Decrease Liabilities And Improve Assets. ...
  2. Conduct A Bottoms-Up Budget Review. ...
  3. Open More Payment Channels. ...
  4. Automate Payments And Invoicing Systems. ...
  5. Leverage Refinancing Assets. ...
  6. Use Strategic Forecasting. ...
  7. Streamline Inventory Management.
Jun 23, 2023

How do you manage better cash flow? ›

  1. Monitor stock levels. Holding too much stock will tie up cash and increase storage and insurance costs. ...
  2. Manage accounts. ...
  3. Review banking products. ...
  4. Increase income. ...
  5. Reduce overheads. ...
  6. Time your cash flow. ...
  7. Assess your business performance. ...
  8. Consider cash flow when making decisions.
May 26, 2023

How can a company improve the working capital cycle? ›

Make use of working capital solutions

Accounts receivable financing: A line of credit backed by outstanding debt due to be received from customers, AR financing enables companies to free up cash trapped in their unpaid invoices. They can thereby boost working capital and make better use of their assets.

What factors increase working capital? ›

Top 9 Factors Affecting the Working Capital
  • Size of Business.
  • Nature of the Business.
  • Scale of Operations.
  • Sales Growth.
  • Credit Policy.
  • Business Cycles.
  • Government Regulations.
  • Creditworthiness.
Oct 13, 2023

Which of the following will improve a company's working capital management position? ›

Your working capital position can always be improved by earning higher profits, issuing company stock, taking on more debt, and selling assets for cash.

What increases and decreases working capital? ›

Long-term loans that replace short-term liabilities can actually increase working capital by reducing current liabilities. However, short-term loans that accrue significant interest can decrease working capital.

Is there a better way to manage a working capital? ›

Pay vendors on time and manage debtors effectively

Analysis of working capital levels shows that the biggest improvement comes from improved payables performance and reduced days payable outstanding (DPO). The best way to ensure you have enough working capital available is to make sure money is coming in on time.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.