Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) (2024)

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) (1)
Environmental, social, and corporate governance
Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) (2)
What is ESG?
Arguments for and against ESG
Opposition to ESG
Economy and Society: Ballotpedia's weekly ESG newsletter

The term environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) refers to an investment or corporate governance approach that involves considering the extent to which corporations conform to certain standards related to environmental, social, and corporate governance issues (such as net carbon emission or corporate board diversity goals) and making business and investment decisions that promote those standards.

In the context of public policy, ESG refers to the use of non-financial ESG investing criteria in the regulation and management of public funds, including public pensions.

Opponents of ESG investing argue that it reduces investment diversification (which increases portfolio risk), harms financial performance, and does not focus on the likely maximization of financial returns to investors. Supporters of ESG investing argue that in the long run, ESG investing will lead to acceptable financial returns and that corporations can and should improve communities and the environment through the adoption of ESG philosophies and approaches.[1][2][3][4][5]

This article contains the following sections:

Background: What is ESG? The following terms are important for understanding ESG and the related areas of inquiry and disagreement:

Reform proposals related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Ballotpedia has tracked:

State legislative approaches opposing and supporting ESG investing. Ballotpedia has tracked state legislation promoting:

Arguments about ESG investing. Ballotpedia has identified:

  • Six types of arguments opposing ESG and ESG investing.
  • Four types of arguments supporting ESG and ESG investing.
  • Two other types of arguments related to ESG and ESG investing.

Opposition to ESG and ESG investing. Ballotpedia has tracked:

Public pension information by state. Although ESG is an approach to investing, it has a strong connection to public policy through the management of public funds. States manage billions of dollars of funds in many cases (especially the funds in state pension plans) and often contract with asset management companies (AMCs) to direct their investment strategy. Ballotpedia has collected information on pensions and AMC contractors in all 50 states.

Influencers and organizations related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). The following list is a selection of noteworthy organizations and individuals related to ESG:

Scholarly work related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). The following is a selection of scholarly works related to ESG:

Economy and Society: Ballotpedia's weekly ESG newsletter. Click the links below to access the most recent editions of Ballotpedia's ESG newsletter:


  • 1 Background: What is ESG?
  • 2 Reform proposals related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
  • 3 State legislative approaches opposing and supporting ESG investing
  • 4 Opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing
  • 5 Arguments about ESG investing
  • 6 Public pension information by state
  • 7 Influencers and organizations related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
  • 8 Scholarly work related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
  • 9 Economy and Society: Ballotpedia's weekly ESG newsletter
  • 10 See also
  • 11 External links
  • 12 Footnotes

Background: What is ESG?

See also: Materiality (ESG)

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an investment philosophy that says that investors should consider how a company aligns with a set of views on climate change, social justice, and diversity, in addition to expected financial returns. The financial services company Deloitte predicts that global ESG assets under professional management will be worth $80 trillion by 2024.[6][7][8]

ESG requires an analysis of an organization's material factors. These are elements that the ESG philosophy believes are fundamental to a company's ESG strategy.[6] Material factors that contribute to ESG may include "environmental issues like climate change and natural resource scarcity ... social issues like labor practices, product safety, and data security [and] governance matters that include board diversity, executive pay, and tax transparency," according to the global professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.[7] Through ESG analysis, companies aim to understand material factors in terms of risks and opportunities for their business model.[9]

There are no standardized definitions used for ESG material factors or standardized criteria used to grade companies. Various investment firms, organizations, and finance companies produce their own ESG ratings, scores, and indexes.[10][11]

Organizations and investors can apply ESG analysis in different ways, including but not limited to adding ESG into other financially-focused risk factors and assessments (sometimes referred to as integration), basing investment on a company’s values, and looking for social and economic effects from investment and divestment on an ethical basis.[8]

For more information on key terms and definitions related to ESG that are important for understanding policy and reform discussions, click a term in the list below.

Reform proposals related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

See also: Reform proposals related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

This section lists reform proposals related to ESG from state legislation, model legislation, policy white papers, and other sources.

Ballotpedia has tracked six types of reform approaches that oppose ESG investing and five types of reform approaches that promote ESG investing. Click the list below to learn more about each reform proposal:

Reform proposals opposing ESG

Reform proposals supporting ESG

State legislative approaches opposing and supporting ESG investing

See also: State legislative approaches opposing ESG investing and State legislative approaches supporting ESG investing

This section lists the main types of state legislative approaches that oppose or support ESG investing based on regular ESG-related legislation tracking. To view a full list of state laws and approaches supporting ESG, click here. To view a full list of state laws and approaches opposing ESG, click here. State legislatures have introduced all six major types of reform proposals opposing ESG investing that Ballotpedia tracked from policy advocacy groups. Click the links below for more information on each approach:

State legislatures have introduced all five major types of reform proposals supporting ESG investing that Ballotpedia has identified. Click the links below for more information on each approach:

Opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing

See also: Opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing

This section lists noteworthy opposition to ESG investing in state governments, the federal government, the media, think tanks, scholarly works, and the private sector. Click the links below for information about the various kinds of opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) and the ESG investing movement:

Arguments about ESG investing

See also: Areas of inquiry and disagreement related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

This section outlines the major types of arguments for, against, and about ESG investing. In many cases, arguments about ESG drive conversations about possible public policy reforms and ways to support or oppose ESG in the political sphere.

Opponents argue that ESG investments are "designed not to maximize financial returns but to impose a leftist social and economic agenda that cannot otherwise be implemented through the ballot box."[12] They might also argue that focusing on ESG factors has harmed rates of return for beneficiaries of state public pension plans.[13]

Supporters of ESG investing argue that in the long run, ESG investing will lead to acceptable financial returns and that corporations should prioritize activities and goals that they think will benefit society more than business growth. They might also argue that states should invest in companies that support ESG and boycott companies that do not pursue ESG priorities.[1][14]

To learn more about each type of argument and view claims that support each argument, click the links in the lists below.

The following arguments against ESG investing suggest it is wrong or unnecessary:

The following arguments supporting ESG investing suggest it is right or necessary:

The links below feature other arguments about ESG investing:

Public pension information by state

See also: State public pension plans

Although ESG is an approach to investing, it has a strong connection to public policy through the management of public funds. States manage billions of dollars of funds in many cases (especially the funds in state pension plans) and often contract with asset management companies (AMCs) to direct their investment strategy. A state that considers ESG factors in its investment approach, for example, might contract with AMCs that avoid investments in industries related to fossil fuel production or that invest only in companies that meet certain corporate board diversity standards. States that do not consider ESG factors, on the other hand, might contract with AMCs that manage investments with the goal of maximizing financial performance, regardless of industry.

This section contains a list of pages that offer data related to state pension plans, including information about contributions, payments, and investments.

Influencers and organizations related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

Several of the largest institutional asset management companies, including investment firms like BlackRock and State Street, advocate for an ESG investing approach. Other individuals and organizations, such as Vivek Ramaswamy, Stephen Soukup, and the State Financial Officers Foundation oppose ESG investing approaches.[6][7][8]

This section lists a selection of influencers in the ESG policy space. To learn more about an influencer and their contributions to discussions related to ESG, click an organization or individual in the list below.

Scholarly work related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

This section lists a selection of scholarly works that contain reform proposals related to or arguments about ESG. To learn more about a book or article, click the list below.

Economy and Society: Ballotpedia's weekly ESG newsletter

Economy and Society is a free weekly email newsletter that delivers news and information about the developments in corporate activism; corporate political engagement; and the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) trends and events that characterize the growing intersection between business and politics. To subscribe, click here. To read all previous editions, please see our archive. Below are the most recent editions:

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 CNBC, "Lauren Taylor Wolfe says it’s just too risky for investors to ignore ESG amid recent pushback", September 23, 2022
  2. CNBC, "There’s an ESG backlash inside the executive ranks at top corporations", September 29, 2022
  3. NPR, "How ESG investing got tangled up in America's culture wars", September 12, 2022
  4. Wall Street Journal, "ESG and the ‘Long-Run Interests’ Dodge", September 29, 2022
  5. Wall Street Journal, "An ESG Champion Stumbles: The California Public Employees’ Retirement System posts a decade of lackluster returns.", September 22, 2022
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 PricewaterhouseCoopers, "Sustainability/ESG reporting," accessed February 4, 2021
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 PricewaterhouseCoopers, "ESG oversight: The corporate director's guide," accessed February 4, 2021
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 US SIF, "US SIF Foundation Releases 2018 Biennial Report On US Sustainable, Responsible And Impact Investing Trends," October 31, 2018
  9. Deloitte, "How CFOs can manage sustainability risks and create long-term value," accessed February 4, 2021
  10. MSCI, "ESG Indexes," accessed February 11, 2021
  11. Bloomberg, "Impact Report 2019," accessed February 11, 2021
  12. Washington Examiner, "‘ESG investing’ is a leftist power grab by another name", July 11, 2022
  13. Wall Street Journal, "An ESG Champion Stumbles: The California Public Employees’ Retirement System posts a decade of lackluster returns," September 22, 2022
  14. CNBC, "There’s an ESG backlash inside the executive ranks at top corporations", September 29, 2022


Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)
Public pensions


Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) (2024)


Why is ESG not enough? ›

In Sustainable Sustainability: Why ESG is Not Enough, I argue that: As a framework based on robust regulation, accessible capital, and enticing incentives, ESG has inadvertently produced counterproductive behaviors, fostering widespread greenwashing.

Is ESG actually effective? ›

ESG funds have similarities to other funds

While the results from these time periods have been generally encouraging for ESG funds as a whole, we don't see convincing evidence that ESG funds are reliably better than non-ESG funds.

How well has environmental, social, and governance investing performed? ›

Look at the Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF (ESGV). It's popular, having garnered $7 billion in total net assets. Over the past five years, including 2023 through December 4, ESGV has outperformed the broad U.S. stock market embodied by the diverse S&P 500 Index three of those five years.

What is the ESG rating of environmental social governance? ›

ESG ratings provide an opinion on a company's or a financial instrument's sustainability profile, by assessing its exposure to sustainability risks and its impact on society and the environment.

Why ESG is a problem? ›

Most often, the focus is on climate change. For example, ESG criteria would invest in green energy industries over fossil fuels—even though investments in oil and gas may perform better. The consequences are that investors accounts suffer, and resources and capital are directed away from the oil and gas industry.

What's controversial about ESG? ›

The SEC's recently proposed climate disclosure rules fail to satisfy these requirements. Instead, the proposed climate rules create controversy by imposing a political viewpoint, by advancing an interest group agenda at the expense of investors generally, and by redefining concepts at the core of securities regulation.

Why is ESG important in corporate governance? ›

ESG is important because socially conscious investors now use ESG criteria to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria examine how a company performs as a steward of the planet.

Does ESG actually help the environment? ›

Yes, it does. ESG investing, often referred as sustainable investments, can ultimately deliver aspects of both worlds — save the planet and potentially deliver financial performance. For decades, human activities have been blamed for harming our environment, wildlife, and climate.

What are the pros and cons of ESG? ›

Pros and cons of ESG investing
Can help investors diversify their portfolioESG funds may carry higher than average expense ratios
May reduce portfolio riskESG investing is still a fairly new concept and there isn't a ton of reporting on performance
1 more row
Oct 20, 2022

How important is ESG now? ›

The transition to a decarbonised future is likely critical to the long-term resilience of companies, the economy and the planet as a whole. Strong ESG strategies and frameworks should be vital to economic recovery and for companies to thrive in the long term.

How powerful is ESG? ›

Risk Mitigation: Companies with strong ESG practices are better equipped to manage risks associated with environmental disasters, regulatory changes, and reputational damage. Investors see this as a safeguard for their investments.

Who will benefit from ESG? ›

ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance, and is a set of criteria used to assess a company's sustainability and societal impact. ESG helps investors to identify companies that are more sustainable and better positioned for long-term success.

Does ESG really matter and why? ›

We find very little evidence that ESG ratings are related to global stock returns over 2001-2020. In other words, returns on investment are greater in companies that act badly, rather than those that act better.

Who is behind ESG? ›

The term ESG first came to prominence in a 2004 report titled "Who Cares Wins", which was a joint initiative of financial institutions at the invitation of the United Nations (UN).

What is the main goal of ESG? ›

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. These are called pillars in ESG frameworks and represent the 3 main topic areas that companies are expected to report in. The goal of ESG is to capture all the non-financial risks and opportunities inherent to a company's day to day activities.

What are the cons of ESG? ›

However, there are also some cons to ESG investing. First, ESG funds may carry higher-than-average expense ratios. This is because ESG investing requires more research and due diligence, which can be costly. Second, ESG investing can be subjective.

What are the difficulties with ESG? ›

Transparency and trust concerns: Stakeholders increasingly demand transparency and assurance regarding ESG performance. However, ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of reported data can be challenging, leading to concerns about greenwashing or misleading information.

Is ESG greenwashing? ›

ESG disclosure mandates & standards likely to spur rise in greenwashing claims in 2024 & beyond. Claims of greenwashing — allegations of fraud related to environmental, social & governance (ESG) matters involving misconduct or misstatements — will emerge more prominently in 2024.

What are the problems with ESG in finance? ›

When occurring, ESG risks will have or may have negative impacts on assets, the financial and earnings situation, or the reputation of a bank. ESG risks include environmental risk, social risk and governance risk and the resulting impact on banks' P&L and liquidity.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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