Longview News-Journal from Longview, Texas (2024)

1. TWO The News THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11, 1935. Longview (Texas) Daily Society Church News -Notices -and Rural Happenings 3-A Class Of Junior High School Entertain With Banquet On Saturday The 8-A class of the Junior High school entertained with their annual banquet at Wesley Hall Saturday evening. Gold and white, the class colors, were effectively carried out in room decorations and the refreshments. Mrs.

J. C. Latham is the popular sponsor of the class. Billie Sue Ayers, president; Mack Camp, vice president; Dorothy Jane Rawlinson, secretary and treasurer; Patsy Lacy, reporter. Ushers for the occasion were: Ann McDonald, Elizabeth Ann McKinnon, Dixie Bobo, and Betty Chipman, The following program was given: Musical numbers: Mrs.

Tippett, Mrs. Burandt, Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Stewart. Greeting: Billie Sue Ayers.

Response: Ed Sharpe. Vocal solo: M. J. Burandt. Dramatic skit: Louise Latham and Frank Slade.

Duet: Leo Akin and Ellus Burns. Reading: Miss Irene Taylor. The sumptuous banquet served by Mrs. William Terrell and Mrs. T.

L. Rawlinson was enjoyed by: Patsy Lacy, Mack Camp, Mae Forest Denton, Raymond Cantrete, Jimmie Cox, Carl Reed, Marie Wells, James Hobrecht, Dorothy Jane Rawlinson, Dempsey Northcutt, Julanne Lyle, Buck Wade, Billie Marie Stewart, Bay Chappell, Eugenia Mason, Thomas co*cke, Novie May Ray, Ellus Burns. Ruby Nell Evans, Billie Bob Terrell, Billie K. Ferguson, Tillman Perkins, Dorothy Dalton, Barbara Nelson, Antoinette Woodall, Dorothy Smith, Francis Todd, Jewel Harrington, Billie Sue Ayers, Mildred Adams, Fred Sparks, Melissio Equihua, Mae Stevens, Faye Stevens, Elizabeth Pearce, Elton Anthony, Leo Akins, Edward Morris, Otto Paul Burandt, Charles Burandt, Robert May, Lorene Schrinshu, John Ellis, Evelyn Holiman, Fanchon Ruth L. Arnold, Jimmie Montfort, Louis Guice, Walker Davidson, Corbin Alexander, Maxine Helens, Virginia Kolh, Hazel McCane, Claudine Williams, Peggy Lou Wooley, Dolores Rea, Jane Wood, Bobbie Griffith, Ralph Aken, Lloyd Tallent, Miss Atkinson, Miss Taylor, Mrs.

Mondrick, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Latham, Mrs. Rawlinson, Mrs. Terrell.

Junior Endeavor Of First Christian Church Holds Meeting Sunday The Junior Christian Endeavor of the First Christian 1 Church met Sunday evening at the Junior High school for its monthy consecration service with 17 members and several vistors present. A brief business meeting was conducted in which May Forrest Denton was elected secretary for the society. A special committee was appointed to bring flowers to the meeting room each Sunday evening to decorate the room after which the flowers will be given to the sick members. It was decided that each member of the endeavor society would donate one half dozen eggs to be sold in the "bake sale" which will be conducted by, the women of the church. Vernon Dryden announced that Robert Dryden will lead the program next Sunday evening at which time a sharp shooting contest will be held The service for the evening was conducted by Helen Joyce Draper who asked the children to stand and sing of Jesus" followed by the reading of the scripture lesson taken from Eph.

2:1822. At this time a number of sentence prayers were offered and then "In The Garden" was sung very softly. The secretary callthe roll in a very unique way; naming the months and those with birthdays in that month answered with a Bible verse. The leader announced the topic "What It Means To Join The Church" and gave a brief talk on the things Jesus wants us to do. Bettie Jo Dudley gave some interesting thought on why we should not say "My Church' or "Our Vernon Dryden read the beginning of the church found in Acts and then gave a few thought on this great day of the beginning of the church.

The meeting was closed with the Miz. poh repeated in unison. Miss Margery Brown And -Mr. Wiley W. Piller Marry In Louisiana A wedding of sincere interest to their many friends was that of Miss MarIpery Brown, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. R. C. Brown of Plaquemine. to Mr.

Wiley W. Pliler, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K.

Pliler of Longview. The wedding took place on March 6, at the home of the bride's parents. with Rev. William Schuble reading the impressive ceremony in the presince of relatives and close friends. The charming bride given in marfringe by her father was very in a smart blue crepe ensemble.

with which she wore white accessorShe carried an arm spray of exquisite pink sweetheart roses. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for a short honeyafter which they will be at home in Longview, where Mr. Pliler la connected with the Magnolia Oil Hallsville Ward School Wins High Honors At Interscholastic Meet The Hallsville Ward school contestants of junior girls and boys declamation, in the interscholastic league meet, held in. Nacogdoches on Friday April 5, on higher honors than ever before in the history of the ward school. In the preliminary contest of junior girls' declamation, Maribess Temple won over nine counties and in the final contest she placed first over five counties of the district.

In the junior boys declamation contest, Billy Shuford won second place among seven contestants. The above named pupils represented the Hallsville. Ward school last year at the district meet held in Nacogdoches, both taking second place among the winners in each division, Having placed so well, last year and even better this year in these contests, where so much competition was shown, these pupils have set a record never reached before by the Hallsville Ward. school. Much praise and credit is due them, and also Miss Evans the director, for the splendid accomplishments in these events.

Longview Chapter Of Hadassah Organized At Tuesday Meeting At an informal gathering held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Meyer Franks, South Green street the Longview chapter of Hadassah were or. ganized. The object and purposes of Hadassah are to promote Jewish institutions ad enterprises in Palestine, such as relate to health work, child care and education, to foster Zionist ideals in America and to promote cooperation among women Zoinist. The following members were elected temporary officers, Mrs.

B. Balter, president; I. Siegel, vice president; Mrs. Blankenfield, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Eron, treasurer; Mrs.

B. Davis, chairman of the ways and means committee of Kilgore. Gleaners Sunday School Elects Officers To Serve For Year's Term The Gleaners Sunday school class of the White Oak Baptist church met recently at the home of Mrs. Houston on the Gladewater road, for the election of officers. Those elected to serve for the coming year were Charline Barton, president; Marjorie Spencer, vice president; Louise Carson, secretary and treasurer; Oneita Byrd, reporter.

At the close of the business session the class members enjoyed. EVENING STAR Scintillating in the bright lights, silk has been ingeniously designed for spring wear. The effect of a starry night has been worked in the studded silk chiffon gown of princess lines, and the crisp taffeta cape, framing head Promotion Of Peace Through Women Urged At Texarkana Meet TEXARKANA, Texas, April 11. (AP) An urgent plea for the promotion of peace through an organized movement of American women was made by Mrs. Percy B.

Pennybacker of FLASH! A Sensational Close-Out of 48 SPRING SUITS Values to $16.75 For Only Hip Lengths and Three-Quarter Lengths. Some white suits are included in this Close-Out. Turner Ladies Bible Class Sponsors Of Revival Services The Turner Ladies Bible class sponsored the Wednesday night service in the pre-Easter revival series at the Kelly Memorial Methodist church. A large crowd was present. The pastor, on the subject, "Ambition," taking his text 1 John 3:2.

The service was made more inspirational by the singing of a duet by Mrs. Tyson, Cleary and Mrs. Floyd Lane. The next Wednesday night service will be in charge of the young people of the church. The revival will continue with two services on Sunday and will be brought to a climax with the two services on Easter Sunday, W.

M. U. Of First Baptist Church Meets Monday In Circles For. Study The W. M.

U. of the First Baptist church met Monday in circles for Bible study. The subject for study was taken from the 9th chapter of First Corinthians. Circle One had 10 present. Circle Two, 10 members and visitor.

Circle Three had 11 present. Circle Four had eight present. Circle Five had 17 members, one new member and five visitors. Circle Six had eight members and one visitor. Circle Seven had nine present.

Circle Eight had 11 members and two visitors. Circle Nine had seven present. PERSONALS LS Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mrs. James L.

Tucker, Rev. John Whorton, Mrs. Fred Eastham, Mrs. W. E.

Miller, and Mrs. W. O. Avery are attending the Baptist State Sunday School convention in Houston. Mrs.

Tucker and Mrs. Roberts will have parts on the Women's clubs here Wednesday night. Mrs. Pennybacker warned of an impending world war in her speech which was the highlight of a banquet closing the first day of the threeday meeting. She recounted a recent visit to the White House and told the clubwomen she was particularly, impressed with the of.

the President and the First Lady. More than 100 delegates had registered for the convention. program given by the Cradle and Junior department. Make This Model At Home 08 8 (,8 8 (A 9 Chine Chelams 1 12303 Social Happenings In Neighboring Communities OAK DALE Mr. and Mrs.

Garner spent Sunday in Marshall, Albert Carter visited in Mineola Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Crain were shopping in Longview Saturday. Mr.

and 1 Mrs. Carter and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sellars Monzingo Sunday. Mrs.

R. B. Garner was the guest of Mrs. J. H.

Black at Noonday Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rolls, and children spent Sunday in Marshall. Mrs.

Jack Huffman and children spent Saturday in Longview. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Black spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.

Gus Bowles at Longview. Mr. and Mrs. Drue Boyett of Henderson spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Thomas Bechtold. Mrs. Metcalf of Littlefield is the guest of her daughter Mrs. George Dowden. JUDSON NEWS Rev.

T. B. Stanley of Tyler filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Robert McLendon is visiting in Ft. Worth. Mr.

and Mrs. Odis Clamp of Hallsville visited Mr. and Mrs. L. P.

Heath Sunday afternoon. Miss Mamie Smith of Fort Worth spent the week-end with her mother and sister Mrs. G. C. Smith and Miss Irma Smith.

Mrs. W. R. Skipping spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Carlton McAfee.

Mrs. Ellen Johnson of Cleburne, is visiting relatives here: Court House News Civil Elles, 124th District Mildred Hunter Clements vs. Arthur Clements, for divorce. File 4092-B. Joe Caudle vs.

Hayes Caudle, for divorce. File 4093-B. L. W. Broddus vs.

Anna Faye Broddue, for divorce. File 4094-B. Mrs. E. Steward vs.

H. M. Steward, for divorce. File 4095-B. J.

D. Young vs. Vera Young, for divorce. File 4096-B. Sun Oil company vs.

C. M. Young et al, trespass to try title and application for injunction. File 4097-B. D.

L. Baker ys. Traders and General Insurance company, to set aside an award of the Industrial Accident board. File 4098-B. J.

H. Brooks vs. The Southern Underwriters, to set, aside an award. of the Industrial Accident board. File 4099-B.

Jack Brown vs. Traders and General Insurance company, to set aside an awarde of the Industrial Accident board. File 4100-B. Civil Files, County Court Dr. E.

L. Walker vs. R. M. Pratt Miss Janice L.

Clary of Ardmore, is the guest of friends here. For the first time in ages "Prettiness" is the Vogue again! And what a joy to be able to wear Ruffles and Lace and Ribons and Flowers again! For all its simplicity, pattern 2303 makes use of every feminine feature to achieve its distinguished allure. You'll feel as bewitching as you look in a flowery chiffon with a girlish ruffle round the flattering cape sleeve, a pencil-slim body, and a low placed swish to your skirt. Pose an old-fashioned nosegay at the strategical "point" in the neckline for your evening date! Small sketch gives you other ideas for contrasting fabrics. Pattern 2303 is available in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42.

Size 16 takes 3 1-4 yards 39 inch fabric. Illustrated step-bystep sewing instructions included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE.

GET THE ANNE ADAMS SPRING PATTERN BOOK! Make for yourself the clothes that are smart, practical and becoming. Choose them from the forty pages of this beautifully illustrated book which includes also exclusive fashions for tots and children, especially designed dresses for the mature figure, lingerie, and hosts of other interesting features. Each garment illustrated is easy to make with an Anne pattern. SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY! PRICE OF BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER, -FIVE CENTS.

Address orders to Longview NewsJournal, Pattern Department, 243 West 17th Street, New York City. WINTERFIELD Mr. and Mrs. T. E.

Bright of Marshall were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Grammer.

Alvin Smitherman visited his cousin, John Howard Smelley, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Pauline Robinson of Hallsville visited Misses Elvie and Nell Bowles last week. Elsie returned home with her for a short visit. Quite a number from here attended the County Singing convention Spring Hill Sunday. Mrs.

M. L. Duncan and sons, Donald and Kenneth, of Marshall, visited her parents last week. J. A.

Smelley was a business visitor in this community Saturday. TED FIO RITO WILL PLAY FOR DANCE AT COOPER CLUB APRIL 19 Hugh Cooper, owner and operator of the Cooper Club at Henderson, was in Longview Wednesday a and announced that he had obtained the famous Ted Fio Rito 22-piece orchestra to play for the Cooper club dance on Friday night, April 19. This is one of the most outstanding orchestras of screen and radio fame. It has played regularly in the largest cities of the United States, and this is its first time to appear in East Texas. A large attendance is expected to greet the orchestra.

Tickets for the dance are now on sale at Lester Denson's Man Shop in Longview. et al, suit for debt and foreclosure of lien. File 2792. Marriage Licenses Glen Maddox and Miss Gracie Rodden. Tommie Davis and Miss Edna Mae Jones.

Larry Emmons and Miss Bertha Addie. A ROSARY for Beautiful new. selection just received. Most appropriate for Easter Gifts. Very Special $2.50 and up DIAMOND SHOP.

Mrs. Wilbur Gallman and little daughter have returned to their home at Robstown after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gallman. Mrs.

Fred Burrage has returned from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Deason at El Dorado, Ark.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barnes spent the week-end in Mineola. Mrs. J.

W. Strain of Birmingham, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barnes, Mrs.

J. A. Barnes and Mrs. Otis Willis of Timpson were Monday guests of Mrs. T.

H. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. M.

C. Scheble are attending the Petroleum Show in Houston. Mrs. Edwin Booth has returned from a delightful visit to her parents in Houston. Mrs.

Emma Belle Kraft left Tuesday for Dallas after a month's visit here. 110i Mrs. Ed Gant of Terrell is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Marshall Altgelt. Miss Mary Robinson spent Wednesday in Marshall.

Coming Events Friday Members of the East Texas, district council of Christian Endeavor will go to Tyler on Friday evening to attend a rally and meet the new state secretary, Travis White of Dallas. All those who are interested in Christian Endeavor work are invited to attend this meeting The Garden club will meet Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Nicholson Memorial library. Mrs. H. U.

Pond will present her pupils in recital Friday evening, April 12, at the Bumpus school at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Austin, nationally prominent clubwoman, before the third district convention of the Texas Federation of Use Mobilgas its better. TER SPECIAL For Friday and Saturday A special purchase of lovely street chiffon dresses values to $24.50 Friday and Saturday EVENING 50 DRESSES With the Jaycee, K.R.D. Frocks prints, triple and Ted Fio Rito dances sheers, formerly $19.95 next week, you'll need extra special.

at- a new dress. See our prints, chiffons, tas $9.95 and nets. to $29.50 SHIRTWAIST DRESSES Are the talk of the town. If you don't have one, by all means buy one at once. Your choice of seersucker, doeskin and wash silks Extra Special at $4.95 and $7.95 Enhance Your BEAUTY for EASTER! Visit our smart Beauty Salon for Expert Service! Permanents $8.50, $5.00 and $7.50.

School girl permanents, $2:50. Free manicure with every marrow oil shampoo and finger wave. Mais Phone 100. Glover-Crim Bldg..

Longview News-Journal from Longview, Texas (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.